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Re: Mounting partitions HELP

Joris Huizer <joris_huizer@yahoo.com> writes:
> 1. How can I mount the /dev/hda ( the bootloader says
> /dev/hda1 ) (as root and/or as normal user) ?

See mount(8) and fstab(5).

> 2. Is it possible to clean ("format", initialize) the
> /dev/hdb3 and set a new partition ( /tmp) there ?

Create a new filesystem using e.g. mke2fs(8), and mount it there as
before.  Be aware that mounting the new filesystem will mask the
preexisting contents of it; this isn't a problem if you're putting the
new filesystem on /tmp and remounting it by rebooting, but you need to
go through a little more caution if you're trying to create a new
partition for something that already exists and has persistent state
(e.g. /var).  Also, you get into big trouble if your /tmp partition is
too small (well, and /var too, but "APT stops working" is less bad
than the trouble you get if /tmp fills).

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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