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Re: firebird database on debian

On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 11:17, J. de Boer wrote:
> Is there anyone out there that has experience with running (and 
> installing) a firebird database-engine on debian?
> If so, i would appreciate any information on the how's, what's, do's and 
> dont's.

There are packages for firebird:
# apt-cache search firebird|sort
firebird-c32-server - FireBird Classic w/ 32bit I/O - RDBMS based on
InterBase 6.0 code
firebird-c64-server - FireBird Classic w/ 64bit I/O - RDBMS based on
InterBase 6.0 code
firebird-dev - Development files for FireBird - RDBMS based on InterBase
6.0 code
firebird-doc - Documentation for FireBird - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0
firebird-examples - Examples for FireBird - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0
firebird-s32-server - FireBird Super w/ 32bit I/O - RDBMS based on
InterBase 6.0 code
firebird-s64-server - FireBird Super w/ 64bit I/O - RDBMS based on
InterBase 6.0 code
firebird-server-common - Common server files of FireBird-RDBMS based on
InterBase 6.0 code
firebird-utils - Utilities for FireBird - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0
libfirebird-c32 - Library files for FireBird Classic w/ 32bit I/O,
InterBase compat
libfirebird-c64 - Library files for FireBird Classic w/ 64bit I/O,
InterBase compat
libfirebird-s32 - Library files for FireBird Super w/ 32bit I/O,
InterBase compat
libfirebird-s64 - Library files for FireBird Super w/ 64bit I/O,
InterBase compat
php4-interbase - InterBase (FireBird) module for PHP4
python2.1-kinterbasdb - InterBase/Firebird support for Python
python2.2-kinterbasdb - InterBase/Firebird support for Python
python-kinterbasdb - InterBase/Firebird support for Python

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        mailto:ron.l.johnson@cox.net          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA      http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson  |
|                                                               |
| "Fear the Penguin!!"                                          |

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