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IPV6 things...


I would like to say a few words about ipv6 handling of some few

Are YOU using ipv6 ? No ? Well, me neither. It's a nice thing and I will
use it if I have to, but up to now, everything here is ipv4.

Some programs (I only know ssh and exim but I bet there are more...) are
"ready for the future" and support ipv6. Thats is surely a good thing.

Fun ends, if I can't tell a program NOT to use ipv6 by default. ssh is
an example: If i use plain ssh command, say "ssh marvin", I can wait for
ages until the connection is done, because an ipv6 query causes a dns
timeout. So far so bad, but if I use DoD, this even costs money. Ok, I
can use "ssh -4" and i have an alias set to this. But why on earth is
there no parameter for the config-file ? ssh has a big set of commands,
one more wouldn't hurt.

With this poll, I send a question about exim concerning this matter and
I hope I can forbit exim to use ipv6. Since I didn't find anything in
the docs I'm not too positive about this...

Well, enough with it. Just had to say it and of course I will happily
change my mind if someone tells me "good news" :)-- 
Markus Grunwald

Registered Linux User Nr 101577      
http://counter.li.org                http://www.grunwald.2xs.de

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