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Re: Logging onto a Windows network?

Marc Shapiro wrote:

One of my professors at school is tired of the MicroSquish way of doing
things and would like to run Linux on his desktop.  The problem is that
the college's servers are all running on NT.  What would he need to do
in order to be able to log onto the campus network from a Linux box? From what I have seen, SAMBA is just the opposite. It allows Windows
boxes access to a Linux server, but he needs to access a Windows server
from Linux.  Have I missed something obvious?  What documentation and
packages should I have him look at?

Simply mounting network shares is fairly easy (other's have addressed this). Accessing MS-shared printers can be a bit more difficult. There are also some graphical tools (gnomba, tksamba, etc) for "Network Neighborhood"-like gui browsing, but I've never been overly impressed with them, but he might be.

Basically, apt-get install samba-common, smbfs, and smbclient.

Then "mkdir ~/netShares/moe", "smbmount //stooges/moe ~/netShares/moe" (assuming his Linux username is the same as his NT domain username).

If he wants to validate his user account off the NT domain and not have a local account, I've almost got it figured out. I've documented it in the Mailing List archives of about a week ago, under the subject "(Long) SOLVED (Mostly): Samba, PAM, Authentication off an NT Domain" or something similar.

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