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Re: Can I eliminate carriage returns when sending to mac

On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 02:43:45PM +0000, Anthony Campbell wrote:
| I have to send text files to a publisher who uses a mac.
| The files are written with vim and sent via mutt. I am told that all the
| lines have carriage returns. I've tried using no textwidth setting in
| vim and have converted the files to mac format but it still doesn't
| work. I also sent them as rtf converted with abiword but no better.
| Is there any way to send files that don't have this?

Text file EOL markers are as follows :

Unix    \n      (LF)
Windows \r\n    (CRLF)
Mac     \r      (CR)

Vim supports all three formats.  I personally have only used vim on
unix and windows to handle unix and windows files on each.  Look at
the 'ff' option (:help ff).  You should be able to
    :set ff=mac
and have a Mac-style text file on-disk.  mutt won't (shouldn't; I'd
call it a bug if it did) munge the file on you.


The way of a fool seems right to him,
but a wise man listens to advice.
        Proverbs 12:15

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