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a Debian nvidia howto

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I have searched (Google & these archives) for several hours seeking a debian 
specific howto for nvidia drivers.  I found some rather stale stuff, but 
nothing specific to Debian stable (Woody).  I searched debianplanet and 
debianhelp too.

I have attached a small piece of the nvidia readme.  What I would like to 
know is if there is a better way other than "make install".

Should I forget about trying for a debian way and just follow the readme?

What about removing mesa (mesag3-glide2)?  If I were to remove this, apt will 
simply remove everything related to x (second attachment):
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 172 to remove and 0  not upgraded.

Tips would be very helpful.  If possible, please CC me in your replies.


- -- 

Jaye Inabnit<ARS ke6sls>A Debian-Gnu/Linux user
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver Set README & Installation Guide

Last Updated: $Date: 2002/08/27 $
Most Recent Driver: 1.0-3123


Instructions for the Impatient:
        $ tar xvzf NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz
        $ tar xvzf NVIDIA_GLX.tar.gz
        $ cd NVIDIA_kernel
        $ make install
        $ cd ../NVIDIA_GLX
        $ make install

To install from tar file, unpack each file:

        $ tar xvzf NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz
        $ tar xvzf NVIDIA_GLX.tar.gz

cd into the NVIDIA_kernel directory.  Type 'make install'.  This will
compile the kernel interface to the NVdriver, link the NVdriver, copy
the NVdriver into place, and attempt to insert the NVdriver into the
running kernel:

        $ cd NVIDIA_kernel
        $ make install

Next, move into the NVIDIA_GLX directory.  Type 'make install' -- this
will copy the needed OpenGL and XFree86 files into place:

        $ cd ../NVIDIA_GLX
        $ make install

Note that the "make install" for each package will remove any previously
installed NVIDIA drivers.



When XFree86 4.0 was released, it used a slightly different XF86Config
file syntax than the 3.x series did, and so to allow both 3.x and 4.x
versions of XFree86 to co-exist on the same system, it was decided that
XFree86 4.x was to use the configuration file "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"
if it existed, and only if that file did not exist would the file
"/etc/X11/XF86Config" be used (actually, that is an over-simplification
of the search criteria; please see the XF86Config man page for a complete
description of the search path).  Please make sure you know what
configuration file XFree86 is using.  If you are in doubt, look for a
line beginning with "(==) Using config file:" in your XFree86 log file
("/var/log/XFree86.0.log").  This README will use "XF86Config" to refer
to your configuration file, whatever it is named.

If you do not have a working XF86Config file, there are several ways
to start: there is a sample config file that comes with XFree86, and
there is a sample config file included with the NVIDIA_GLX package (it
gets installed in /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/).  You could also use
a program like 'xf86config'; some distributions provide their own tool
for generating an XF86Config file.  For more on XF86Config file syntax,
please refer to the man page.

If you already have an XF86Config file working with a different driver
(such as the 'nv' or 'vesa' driver), then all you need to do is find
the relevant Device section and replace the line:

        Driver "nv"
    (or Driver "vesa")


        Driver "nvidia"  

In the Module section, make sure you have:

        Load   "glx"

You should also remove the following lines:
        Load  "dri"
        Load  "GLcore"

if they exist.  There are also numerous options that can be added to
the XF86Config file to fine-tune the NVIDIA XFree86 driver.  Please see
Appendix D for a complete list of these options.

Once you have configured your XF86Config file, you are ready to restart
X and begin using the accelerated OpenGL libraries.  After you restart X,
you should be able to run any OpenGL application and it will automatically
use the new NVIDIA libraries.  If you encounter any problems, please
see the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section below.

 apt-get remove -s mesag3-glide2
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  abiword abiword-common abiword-gtk abiword-plugins aktion amor ark artsbuilder bibletime chromium criticalmass eyesapplet
  fifteenapplet gtkglarea5 kab kabalone kaptain karm kasteroids kate katomic kbackgammon kbattleship kbear kblackbox kcalc kcd
  kcharselect kchart kcmlinuz kcoloredit kcpuload kcron kde kde-extras kde-games kdebase kdebase-audiolibs kdebase-crypto kdebase-libs
  kdelibs3 kdelibs3-bin kdelibs3-crypto kdelibs3-cups kdepasswd kdepim-libs kdessh kdf kdict kdm kedit kfind kfloppy kformula kfract
  kghostview khexedit kiconedit kinkatta kio-fish kit kivio kjezz kjots kjumpingcube klaptopdaemon kleandisk klines klisa kljettool
  klpq klprfax kmago kmahjongg kmail kmerlin kmid kmidi kmines kmix kmoon knapster2 knetfilter knetload knewsticker knode knotes kodo
  koffice koffice-libs komba2 konq-speaker konqueror konquest konsole kontour konverse kooka korganizer korn koshell kpackage kpaint
  kpat kpm kpoker kppp kpresenter kreatecd krecord kreversi kruler krusader ksame kscd kscore kscreensaver ksensors kshisen ksirc
  ksirtet ksmiletris ksnake ksnapshot ksokoban kspaceduel kspread kstars ksysv ktalkd kteatime ktexmaker2 ktimer ktouch ktron
  ktuberling ktux kugar kuickshow kuser kview kwave kweather kwin4 kword kworldclock kwuftpd kyahoo libglpng libkdegames libkdenetwork1
  libkmid libkonq3 libkscan1 libqt3 libqt3-mt libwine lskat mesag3-glide2 mp3kult noatun noatun-plugins psi quake2 quanta secpolicy
  tuxracer vncserver wine xbase-clients xt ytalk
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 172 to remove and 0  not upgraded.

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