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Re: Gnome freezen up with NFS /home

Sven Heinicke said:
> About two weeks ago I installed stable, with unstable OpenOffice, on a
> user system with security updates.  The user, alples, has an NFS /home
> directery mounted from a Sun I don't have root access to.
> In the began the nfs /home directory mounted: soft,bg,rw

bug in NFS. try restarting rpc.statd on the local system, if its a debian
box, do;

/etc/init.d/nfs-common restart

also try mounting the directory hard

mount -t nfs nfs_server:/path /local/path -o nfsvers=3,hard

that may help too. It's technically not a gnome problem, but a NFS locking
issue. most any program which relies on locking will break when it
cannot get a lock, and the cause is a bug in NFS somewhere. In my
experience it happens far more often on the SERVER then the client
(if both are debian), but if the server is solaris I am more inclined
to blame the client.

for me I tracked the problem down to rpc.statd. I don't know the exact
cause but for some reason it stops responding at random points(seems random
anyways). The process doesn't die, but a restart fixes it. It probably
happens more often the more locking that goes on. most of the apps I
use do not use locking(with the exception of gnotepad+, I use afterstep,
gnome-terminal and phoenix/mozilla/openoffice as my most commonly used

check the archives too, this comes up rather often.


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