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Re: Visual notice for X

This one time, at band camp, Gerald Livingston said:
> Actually, I'm using Gnome. But I like to have and use my entire screen.
> My panels are set to autohide with a 1 pixel height as all that remains
> showing.When I maximize an app it fills the entire screen. xsetroot to
> change the background would work only while I was in a gnometerm because
> I use a transparent BG there.
> What I am searching for is a way for my girlfriend to let me know she
> has arrived home from work without having to telephone me. It is a toll
> call for her to call me, but not a toll call for me to call her. I may
> go for hours without actually reading my email so that is rather
> useless. and I do not like to leave gAIM or EveryBuddy active. She is
> the only person I chat online with so I don't want them using rescources
> or popping up in an annoying fashion when others choose to send an IM
> that I am not interested in responding to.
> I would like to set up a couple of programs that will pop up a window on
> my current Sawfish workspace over the top of anything else I happen to
> be viewing. I'll then use procmail to fire the correct program if she
> sends an email with a specific subject.
> G
You can use any of the standard email notification programs - if you use
GNOME, there's a panel applet - and filter the desired email to, say,
~/Mail/Honey_Im_Home.  Have the biff clone watch that folder only, and
that should do it.  I think the GNOME one will even play a sound when
new mail arrives.
|Stephen Gran                  | ... though his invention worked superbly --   |
|steve@lobefin.net             | his theory was a crock of sewage from         |
|http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | beginning to end.   -- Vernor Vinge, "The     |
|                              | Peace War"                                    |

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