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Re: Installing TrueType fonts

OpenOffice.org writer can definitely use ttf fonts served by xfs and xfstt font servers.

Thanks to Colin, Josua and others for advice about stopping the servers. The ttf fonts are not available when the servers are stopped.

I read that XF86-4 is supposed to be able to serve ttf fonts without external font servers (unlike XF86-3), but I could not get this to work. Has anyone else managed to get ttf fonts without using xfs and xfstt?

The Gimp sees the ttf fonts immediately, but OO.o needs to be told which ttf fonts to use and what the font path is using 'OpenOffice.org Printing Administration' which is part of the suite:

1. Run 'OpenOffice.org Printing Administration'.
2. Click on <Fonts...>.
3. Click on <Add...>.
4. Type the ttf font path (eg '/usr/share/fonts/truetype') in the 'Source dirctory' box. After a second or two the fonts will appear in the list box.
5. Click on <Select All>.
6. Click on <OK>.
7. Click on <Close>.
8. Click on <Close>.

 ___   Chris Lale   <ctlale@netscape.net>
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