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Re: Running script on logout from KDE

    "marius" == marius rogn <marius.rogn@operamail.com> writes:

    marius> The files have read and write permissions for the group
    marius> that my users share set when the file is created/modified,
    marius> and I though that if I could have a logoutscript that
    marius> would set these right when the user logs out, then my
    marius> problem would be solved. Because instead of giving the
    marius> rest of the group read/write acces when the file is
    marius> created, then I could instead have that set when the user
    marius> logous ot, kind of giving the rest the right to modify
    marius> upon logout.

I don't use KDE or OpenOffice.org software, so I can't help with your
direct question. However, the problem you describe is well know. You
really should consider using a version control system ('dpkg -p rcs'
would be a good start) to control access.

Good luck!

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