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Re: kernel upgrading

    "np" == np rpr <np_rpr@yahoo.com> writes:

    np> Prasad, Thanks for your reply, I don't seen any initrd file in
    np> /boot yeas vmlinuz-2.4.19-k6 is there which is obvious. Why
    np> initrd was not installed?

Hmmm...how exactly did you get and install this package? What is the
output of 'dpkg -l kernel-image-2.4.19-k6'?

    np> One more thing won't a message craete a new thread.. I am not
    np> sure please correct me.  Thanks, Nitin

If you reply to a message, your new message will show as a part of the
thread that you replied to. To start a new thread you must post a
brand new message to the list (don't reply to an existing message), or
if you reply to a message delete the 'References:' header line in your
new reply.

In your case you sent your mail as a reply to an existing message
about kernel upgrades that was unrelated to your question. I just
happened to be reading that thread, so I read your message. Other
people who might know what you did wrong might miss it if they are
using a threaded reader and don't read that thread.

Unless of course my newsreader is buggy and messed up. Somehow I doubt
that Gnus is that buggy ;-)


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