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system test

hi ya

- i just did a random tst for 24hrs

- for those looking to "tweek" the maximum performace out of the disks

- all systems are indentical - asus a7m266-vm motherboard
- 4 of the systems are amd xp-1700, one each of xp-1800 and xp-1900
- all systems are 512MB DDR except first one
- all tests were done simulataneously.. one machine next to the other

test was:
	cd /tmp/Test ; rm -rf linux-2.4.19
	cd /usr/src ; tar cf - linux-2.4.19/* | \
		( cd /tmp/Test ; tar xvfp - )
	make ; make dep ; make bzImage
	print number of passes

3 surprises...
	- use ata-133 disks
	- add more memory :-)
	- set -u1 and -c3 on the hard disks :-)

if the differences of 5 or 10 kernel compiles doesnt make a difference,
than its not an issue... but it "takes a while" to go thru 10 passes
of kernel compiles ( say about 30min - an hour )
	- yes... but its $10 or $20 more to just buy an XP-1800

have fun

first number is the number of kernel compiles (over the 24hr period )

2nd system was slightly modified, making it perform  like an xp-1800
	hdparm -tT /dev/hda  to get default MB/sec transfers
	hdparm -c3 -u1 -d 1 /dev/hda1

> 197 amd-1700  256MB* 45.07 MB/sec  maxtor 6Y060L0 - 60GB ata66/100
> 246 amd-1700* 512MB  57.66 MB/sec  maxtor 6E040L0 - 40GB ata133
> 241 amd-1700  512MB  57.66 MB/sec  maxtor 6E040L0 - 40GB ata133
> 240 amd-1700  512MB  57.66 MB/sec  maxtor 6E040L0 - 40GB ata133
> 245 amd-1800  512MB  57.14 MB/sec  maxtor 6E040L0 - 40GB ata133
> 251 amd-1900  512MB  57.66 MB/sec  maxtor 6E040L0 - 40GB ata133

.. end of fun ..

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