Re: "unhandled exception" running Wordperfect on Woody??
"Bruce Best (CRO)" <> writes:
> I tried changing the fontpath, but it made no difference; same crash. I also
> tried some of the other fixes (designed for Caldera) on the link you
> provided; also no change.
Do you have the fonttastic font server running? You may need to
check if that's working. I seem to recall WP going boom frequently
if that's not the case.... Or it may not like your X server. It
really is a fragile beast.
> I guess that there must be some other library installed on my system that
> Wordperfect can't deal with. Is there some way to find out specifically what
> is causing the crash??
Not really.
#include "wpo2k/l_is_crap_use_something_else.h"
Alan Shutko <> - In a variety of flavors!
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