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RE: Email (was Setting up Exim was Setting up Sendmail)


OK! I ran ls -l... with these results:

mail	0	date	drafts
	0		inbox
	840		sentmail
	1613		trash

I looked in the trash directory and there was nothing there.

But this looks like it is giving me what is in /home/userme, not what is in

-----Original Message-----
From: Carel Fellinger [mailto:carel.fellinger@chello.nl]
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 9:23 PM
To: Debian-User@Lists. Debian. Org
Subject: Re: Email (was Setting up Exim was Setting up Sendmail)

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 07:41:39PM -0700, Michael Olds wrote:
> Carel,
> ls -1 /var/mail/userme ~userme/mail

this ^^ should be -l (lowercase L), not the number one (1), they might
be quit similar on your display, but there quit different to ls:)

> gives me a list of what is in /home/userme/Mail nothing like a number
> indicating how many mails, etc.

Again, this looks like you're using maildir format.  Could you confirm
that /var/mail/userme is a directory?  Or simply show the output of
the following:

  $ ls -ld /var/mail/userme

(mind you, here agian it's lowercase L, not then number 1)

/var/mail/userme is a file from what I can see
ls -ld /var/mail/userme gives me a nosucha

> I was mistaken about the permissions for /var/mail/userme they were user
> userme group mail.

Bummers, lost me money here:)
I must go to bed now, so let me tell what I'm after:

OK...much appreciated!

option 1:
    If /var/mail/userme is a file which size changes after
    you've sent yourself mail, and owner,group stays userme,mail
    then exim is configured okay.

    to check it, look inside /var/mail/userme, towards to end you
    should find the mail you just sent yourself.

this is the way it is. A file, which changes size.

option 2:
    if /var/mail/userme is a directory and a new file is added to it
    after you've sent yourself mail and again owner,group of all files
    in /var/mail/userme aswel as that directory it self stays userme,mail
    then exim is configured okay.

    to check it, look inside that newly added file and check it's the mail
    you sent yourself.

    Tell you're mail client to use maildir format.

not this way.

good luck, see you tomorrow.

ok, again thanks...
Best Wishes!
Mike Olds www.buddhadust.org

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