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postgres: Password authentification failed for user... when using tora

  when trying to login using psql the following works:

  psql -h localhost -d pokus -U erik -W

however the tora (unstable package tora) gives me the following error (possible typos, it's retyped because I can't copy&paste from the dialog window where the message is displayed):

Unable to connect to the database
Fatal 1: Password authentification failed for user "erik"

  the only three uncommented lines in /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf:

local        all                                           md5
host         all           md5
host         all             reject

why would tora give such an error? (btw I tried to type everything few times to make sure there's no typo/capslock on etc.)

  this is on debian unstable, postgres 7.2.2-2, tora 1.3.7-4.

  any ideas?



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