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Re: Fixing IP, gateway, etc.

DSC Publishing, LLC said:

> Anyhow, they just changed their IP, gateway, proxy, DNS, FTP, and router
> addresses.

IP, gateway, netmask, broadcast, and network addresses are
controlled by /etc/network/interfaces

DNS addresses are controlled by /etc/resolv.conf

proxy addresses are specific to the application, e.g. if your using
apt-get with proxy I think it stores the settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf
(see the manpage, the syntax of that file is somewhat cryptic to me)

lynx stores it's proxy settings in /etc/lynx.conf by default ..

other apps store the proxy setings elsewhere.

FTP address, well thats usually stored inside the FTP client, router
addresses..not sure what you mean here, you shouldn't need to
store any router addresses on your system other then the default

once your all done use /etc/init.d/networking restart to reload
the network configuration.

If it doesn't work:

verify your IP address with:

ifconfig -a

verify your default router with:

route -n

verify your name servers with:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

if that is all correct then the problem is elsewhere, perhaps the ISP
did some other change to make it linux-unfriendly(though I can't think
of what it could be, my ISP is very linux friendly though they
do not support it, my DSL comes in over a bridged Cisco 678 which
plugs into my switch, everything is static configuration no DHCP no
PPPTP no PPPoE none of that crap, as far as my systems are concerned they
are directly connected to an ethernet network, its wonderful, but expensive
runs about $200/month for 1mbit w/4 statics)


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