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Strange problem with directories containing spaces after upgrade to testing...


I upgraded my computer from stable to testing, and I noticed one strange
thing: I cant cd into directories that have spaces in their names any
more. I may use them with some programs but they will not work with
others. As an examle I did a simple test:

[snaggen] ask:~$mkdir dir\ with\ spaces
[snaggen] ask:~$cd dir\ with\ spaces/
bash: cd: dir: No such file or directory
[snaggen] ask:~$rmdir dir\ with\ spaces/

As seen I can create and remove the directoy but not cd into it. It may
be a problem with bash since cd is a built in command, but I'm not realy
sure about that.Gstreamer from experimental seems to have problem with
this too.. Ok, It is experimental software so the crashes might be
totaly unrelated, and I never tested it on my woody installation.

Any way, have any one else had these problems? I didn't find any
previous mail in this mailing list about this.... 

And I know that the easy workaround is to not use names with spaces, but
my girlfriends WinXP partition have alot of files with spaces.... 

//Snaggen, who is not on the list so keep my CC

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