Re: Moving mailboxes in Postfix
Curtis Vaughan said:
> Ok, I have a SuSe email server III set up.
> Also, if you are using IMAP then the mail is stored in respective
> folders of the user on the server until the user deletes it. While for
> POP3 it remains on the server until the user pulls it down or deletes
> it, depending on how it's set up for the user. So, somehow it is, in
> fact, storing messages in some manner.
> I would really like to move some users off this server over to a
> strictly Debian Postfix solution.
er, i shoulda been more clear. When I mean mail system I meant what
software, that is, UW IMAP? Cyrus ? Courier? I'm not famillar with
SuSE's email server software, also what software do you plan to use
on the debian side? And do you have the passwords for those users so
you can migrate the authentication?(or you could just assign them
new ones and tell them).
A last resort method, a method I used for migrating from UW IMAP to
Cyrus almost 2 years ago at my company was to bring up the cyrus
server and have users copy/move the mail from the old server to the
new server via their IMAP clients since there was not a solid migration
system that I could trust to do the migration offline.
1) what email server software does SusE use?(one way to try to find out
is to telnet to ports 110 and 143 and look at the banner the software sends
out)2) what email server software(UW IMAP, Courier, Postfix, other?) do you
plan to use on the debian system?
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