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Re: console beep, mutt, removing compiled stuff

--jeff <jmr71769@earthlink.net> wrote
(on Thursday, 19 September 2002, 10:58 AM -0400):
> 1) what makes the console beep (tab-completion,
> hitting backspace) and how do you shut it off -
> permanently... setterm?
You need to add the following line to your ~/.inputrc
    set bell-style visible

> 2) anyone know of a nice mutt tutorial out there?
> i'm starting to dump most of the gui programs in
> favor of text mode stuff... ala irssi/micq...  and
> i would like to add mutt to my arsenal. i would
> like to test sending mail on my box (locally) only
> and was wondering what you guys use for mta's and
> such.
Go to http://www.mutt.org, and look at some of the user sites linked
from it. There's no real tutorials, per se, but a lot of configuration
examples that will help you. It will also help if you are familiar with
vi or emacs as these are the editors of choice (vi/vim in particular)
used with mutt. (In particular, mutt as installed by debian uses
vi-style keybindings for navigation.)

> 3) i compiled licq from source... ./config, make,
> make install..   no success.. not sure why but i'd
> like to dump licq anyway in favor of micq. i'm
> still a psuedo-n00b and i know the common answer
> is 'just find where it is on your box and delete
> it...' ..   but i'm talking removing it
> all..anything licq...
> /usr/local/bin/licq
> /usr/share/doc/licq/....etc.
> building from source is very cool indeed except
> when you have to remove all the stuff it can be
> kind of a pain. is there a nice one liner that
> would delete it all? something like 'find / |
> rm -rf 'licq files'. i like learning about console
> commands because i think they're damn powerful.

First off, make sure you're either in the staff group, or that you are
root when doing the make install -- otherwise it will fail when

Second, you can usually type 'make uninstall' (again, if you're in the
staff group, or as root) from the directory with the sources (i.e.,
where you compiled the program) to uninstall/remove the program and all
files it installed. However, I've known a number of programs that
didn't have the uninstall target. I've read on the list about a tool
called "checkinstall" that you run instead of 'make install' that will
create a deb package and install it out of the compiled binaries.

Hope this helps!

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