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Re: Sid & Openoffice (user interface font not working)

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 06:22:29PM +0200, Jean-Marc V. Liotier wrote:
> Sound quite like my "No menus and weird field size" problem. If you
> could elaborate on the steps required to identify the problem font, I
> would post it to the lists.

The only way that I know of is to do a binary search of the fonts, first to
find out which directory they are in by removing items from the font path
with xset fp (see the OOo Font troubleshooting FAQ for more details), and
then to do the same thing, removing fonts until it works again.  By binary
search, I mean halving the number of fonts in the font path each time until
you hit on the problem font, not by searching binaries :)

The other problems you listed may be symptoms of the same problem, but don't
give me enough information to locate the font myself :(


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