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Re: Whatever happened to "Unidentified Subject!"


* Mike <reznaeous@adelphia.net> [020910 14:51]:
> Paul Johnson wrote
> > Whatever happened to Unidentified Subject lines that DU used to add to
> > a blank subject line?  If they're not coming back, how do you get
> > procmail to filter against an empty subject line?
> You don't.  From my .procmailrc:
> <begin snip>
> :0:
> * ^X-Mailing-List.*debian-user
> debian-user

True, this works very well.

However, Baloo asks an interesting question. It would be nice to send
emails with no subject to /dev/null. Anyone got a procmail rule for
finding empty headers?


Debian testing/unstable
Linux onefish 2.4.19-lavienx #1 Mon Aug 12 20:29:59 EST 2002
i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

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