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Re: is booting (a SW RAID1) from a second IDE controller possible?

On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 12:44:16PM -0700, nate wrote:
> <quote who="Vinai Kopp">
> > Any idea how I could manage to make this possible?
> try finding an upgrade to the bios or replace the board.
> most boards i have seen have an option to boot from a "SCSI"
> device(a PCI IDE controller is usually seen by the bios as
> a SCSI card), or the more advanced ones support some boot protocol
> that allows the bios and the PCI controller card to talk
> to each other(have only seen this personally on serverboards with
> ServerWorks chipsets and intel L440GX+ chipsets). I forget
> the name of the protocol.

First, thank you for the ideas! I tried setting the bott from SCSI
device option, but the system just froze.

> if you remove any ide disks from the onboard controller the
> PCI controller may automatically re-map itself so it can
> be bootable. depends on the card and the motherboard/bios
> i think though.

I tried that, also didn't work.

So, it seems I just have a dumb motherboard.  I'll look into
putting a couple of small harddisks on /dev/hda and /dev/hdc to supply
the /boot (and, if necessary, the /) partition.

Thanks for your suggestions, once again!

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