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Re: Network after kernel recompile?

On Sun, 4 Aug 2002, will martin wrote:

> i've recompiled the kernel mutiple times checking the configuration
> i've used countless times with other distro's my network card failed
> to come online. it's reconized but unless i go back to the stock
> kernel it fails to bring up the network. The configuration is correct
> as i've went over it many times. I'm used the debain version of the
> kernel source 2.4.18 with a linksys card using the tulip driver?
> anyone with advice on what I might be missing? This is just one
> computer connected to a cable modem.

I had (have) _exactly_ the same problem just yesterday, and have only a
partial solution so far.

> the ifconfig output with the net kernel is:
> eth0    Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:04:5A:50:AA:6F

You'll notice that the usual IP address info is missing; i.e. the card's
up but it has not been assigned an IP address.  Same thing happened to
me yesterday, even though I _know_ my LinkSys device's dhcp server is
working (I'm now on another machine connected to it).

I executed 'ifconfig eth0 netmask up' (I may
have issued 'ifdown eth0' first) and the card was assigned an IP address
and the machine was accessible from _inside_ my LAN.  But when I tried to
go _out_ from that machine, it couldn't find any addresses, suggesting a
DNS problem.  /etc/resolv.conf contained the correct nameserver entries,
though.  I'm temporarily stumped, but had it happen as you did, after
compiling a 2.4.18 kernel with the tulip driver.  I wasn't having that
problem with the stock 2.2.20-compact kernel with which I installed.  (I
was, however, having "hdc: lost interrupts" which was why I was trying to
install a custom kernel, but that's a story for another day.)

That doesn't really help, does it, except to know that you're not alone!


Patrick Wiseman
Linux user #17943

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