Re: Switch Dial Up Package after 120 hours...
Dan Hunt <> wrote:
Where I live, we have one choice for dial-up connections to the internet. The
local telephone company sells internet packages. The User id and password
are different for each package. On the 19th of each month, you have 120
hours for ~$36.00. However if you use 130 hours your overtime 10 hours at
$1.80 per hour. You are welcome to buy more than one package. If you do not
switch your user name and password on the correct day you can pay overtime.
If the internet time was 220 hours and you forgot to switch your package it
could cost you an extra $180.00. Yes it has happened.
Can I use demand dialing and log the connection time on package "A". When
the total time exceeds 120 hours stop using that username and password and
switch to package "B".
Does anyone know of a handy utility or a clever script that could make short
work of this overtime billing scheme?
The "diald" program used to have the capability of monitoring connect
time. I never used that function, but I recall it was there for the
people in places like yours where you were charged based on connect
time. It was an extra program included in the package called "dctrl" I
believe. I don't know if it is still there since I haven't used the
diald package in 3+ years. Maybe this could be used for what you want.
I don't know of any SPECIFIC program that will do what you want, but
don't go my me. There are still a few things that I don't know....<grin>.
-Don Spoon-
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