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doused [FLAME] using editors = muscle memory [WAS: Re: Full-screen editor in /bin]

On Tuesday 30 July 2002 09:11 pm, Chris Kenrick wrote:
> Well, OK, intuitive is partly a function of "it's like something I've
> used before", be that muscle memory or a menu system.  As for an emacs
> versus vi flame war, I virtually implied that emacs is more featureful
> than vi, even though I'm a vi(m) fan.  Plus I mentioned an alternative
> (nedit) in the bit you snipped.

how new is your current version of nedit? i liked how it looked up to about 
nine months ago, when it seemed to become weirdly crash susceptible. my 
disillusionment had such a hold that i didn't even consider a bug report. i 
actually expected it to die, of it's own accord, and be dead, by now. does it 
really never disappoint?


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