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Re: dvorak keyboard

>>>>> "Nori" == Nori Heikkinen <nori@sccs.swarthmore.edu> writes:

    Nori> i'm considering switching to dvorak, half on a whim, half
    Nori> because i think it might help my geek-related wrist pain
    Nori> (yes, i'm icing and am going to call a doctor soon).  two
    Nori> questions:

    Nori> 1. i can get it working in console mode fine (`loadkeys
    Nori> dvorak` does the trick), but can't seem to make it work with
    Nori> X.  do i need a different command / keymap / &c.?

I think xmodmap is the way to do it.  Or edit /etc/X11/XF86Config(-4) to
point to the keymap you want.

    Nori> 2. does anyone out there use it?  was it hard to switch?
    Nori> can you now type both layouts?  was it worth it to switch?
    Nori> how long did it take to retrain?

I did use it for a while, and was up to my normal QWERTY typing
speed.  But was an insane pain in the ass when I had to use someone
elses computer for a while.  It's hard to switch back and forth
because type is a muscle memory thing.  So I ended up going back to

I did read somewhere (slashdot?) about a person who used a MS Natural
keyboard for Dvorak.  So when he was at home, he used Dvorak, and
since the feel was different, he could learn to mentally switch
between Dvorak and QWERTY, since QWERTY would usually be on straight

Anyways, good luck!


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