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(u)xterm (was Re: naming schemes (was [snipped]))

On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 11:24:24PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:

| As a means of mentioning Debian in some peripheral way here: while I
| haven't quite got myself to the point of sending UTF-8 mail,

You just did send utf-8 mail.  Well, UTF-8 is a proper superset of
US-ASCII, so every ascii stream is a valid utf8 stream.  That's one of
the advantages of migrating to it instead of a different Unicode

| I'm quite impressed by how far Unicode support in Debian has come.
| Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 examples at
| http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/ render quite nicely in
| a uxterm, which is available as standard in woody's xterm package as
| long as you configure the appropriate UTF-8 character set in
| /etc/locale.gen.

Oh, cool!  And now that I know how to set X resources (to make xterm
look decent), and it supports my scroll wheel, I can ditch
gnome-terminal.  If you put
    xterm*utf8:  1
in ~/.Xdefaults you'll get unicode support without specifically
running 'uxterm' instead of 'xterm'.

If you want to test it with vim, first run ":set enc=utf8" so it
output utf-8 encoded characters.  Then in insert mode type ^VuXXXX
where ^V is Ctrl-V and XXXX is the hex value of the character.  Eg for
the Euro, '20ac'.

Thanks for mentioning this Colin!


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Pegasus is the code name of Windows CE. This is so pathetic it's

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