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Re: howto Name eth[0 .. n-1] in kernel 2.4.18 vs earlier kernels?

On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 10:01:39AM +0800, Isaac To wrote:
| >>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Gran <gashuffer09@comcast.net> writes:
|     Stephen> It's the same as in earlier kernels - you create a file under
|     Stephen> /etc/modutils/ (mine is ethernet) with lines like: alias eth0
|     Stephen> 3c59x alias eth1 8139too
| But... this is not an entirely satisfactory answer.  The problem is that if
| somehow the kernel load the 8139too first, it will take eth0 as the network
| address.

*Only* if you didn't specify which is eth0 and eth1.

| My workaround is a module dependency:
|   alias eth0 3c59x
|   alias eth1 8139too

This is sufficient.  (and *don't* put the modules' names in

If you put the module in /etc/modules, then the startup sequence will
load it (presumably in order though) and they'll pick the interface as
they feel like it.  If you leave it to the system, then whenever
something looks for 'eth0' (namely "ifup") it will check the alias and
load the right one.


Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
        Proverbs 11:22

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