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The implications of installing from the unstable release

I am keen to try out the 'subversion' version control program for which
there is a package in the unstable pool.  After having read the apt-howto
it appears that the best way to do this would be to add lines such as

> deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free

to my sources.list file and specify

> APT::Default-Release "testing";

in apt.conf.

Are there any gotcha's I should be aware of in doing this.  for instance,
what happens when there is a more recent version of a package in unstable
and I 'apt-get upgrade'?  What happens when a package migrates from
unstable to testing?

(\/)atthew )-(ambley ---------------\ If something's worth doing it's worth
E-mail : matthew@aether.demon.co.uk  \ doing badly until you can learn to
Public key : C487AC52                 \ do it well.
Web : http://www.aether.demon.co.uk/   \-----------------------------------

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