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Re: ratio of male vs. female debian users

On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 06:46:40PM -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 07:23:51AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> | Just curious, is the ratio of male vs. female debian users 100 to 1 or
> | 1000 to 1?  Developers even more imbalanced?
> I don't know.
> | Gee, I bet if I were female, folks might ask "since when", e.g.,
> | http://www.lynnconway.com
> Well, my dad's given name is "Lynn".
> (in case you feel the need to ask or wonder, he is male)

How do you think I feel when people assume that I'm male when they hear
what I do (with computers && electronics), and have to see their
surprise when they learn that I'm female. (so what if I like designing
circuits and programming in my spare (and not so spare) time)

> At least as far as the student population at RIT, there is a fairly
> high male:female ratio (with the majority of the females not in one of
> the engineering majors).  In my "Formal Methods" (software engineering
> department) class during the winter, there were 4 female students.  An
> all-time high, I think.  (class size around 25-30)

That is a high ratio. In the electronics, computer tech, and CS courses
in my school, the highest ratio that I remember was 1:15. The mode ratio
was 1:30 (I was the only female). The amusing thing is that despite the
ratios, the teachers of those courses find that the top student in those
courses is generally more likely to be female than male (when there is a
female student, that is). (and just so you know, in september, when I
apply to university, I will be applying for computer engineering)


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