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Re: Where is Debian going?

> I've received a lot of help in this forum (and
> provided a bit).  I too am a bit distresses that often
> an innocent question, perhaps by a novice, results in
> a "chewing out" for not using the "proper form"
> (whatever that is).
> I'm assuming the more needful a person is, the more
> likely his question will be poorly formulated.  That
> doesn't offend me, as I'm sure it doesn't most.
> Of course, now I will get my "chewing out" for having
> made the statement.

I've gotten excellent help too, very quickly and for every question that
I've asked. That help and the attitude behind it are among the things that
make Debian great.

I just don't see why suggestions to change things a bit need to generate
dismissive and insulting comments. That seems to be a problem that at least
a few people have on a lot of open source projects. "Don't like things
exactly as they are? Quit whining and go back to [proprietary product]!" or
"If it's not good enough for you, fix it yourself!"

The first step that some people take to getting involved in a project is to
provide feedback, make observations and suggestions. It makes sense to value
that for what it is, even if the suggestions aren't implemented, instead of
playing that tired old "we're in the know, let's insult the newbies" game.
Or maybe the inside term here is "gnubies"...

Anyway, this is a great list on a great project, and maybe there will always
going to be some of that classic attitude around.


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