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Re: Getting rid of MS-win

On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 04:52:33PM -0700, G. L. `Griz' Inabnit wrote:
> > I will do a clean install of Debian once I have setup the partitions
> > on my drive. I know this is not strictly necessary, but since I
> > already have woody cdroms and a decent internet connection it's
> > easier to make a new start than to resize and remove partitions.
> 	Why a new start? Is something wrong with your existing setup???
It's working ok. But,
- I have one large ext3 / filesystem with only a small /boot
  partition. I want to put various parts of / on different partitions.
- I have installed many servers on the system to netboot an old Sun
  workstation. It took a few tries before I got it working.
  Therefore /etc is basically a mess.
- I have played with different window managers. I have tried to
  manually get my X setup to work with my current choice of wm. It
  does work, but I see annoying messages at startup. I spent quite
  some time on going through all the scripts and dotfiles for X
  (system-wide and in ~/). 
- There are a lot of leftover files in /etc from removed packages.

I know I can fix all of these things. Some of it is beyond me at the
moment, but I can learn. However the size of the todo list is so
large, I'd rather start over for the very last time.
> > Ideally I would reserve 2Gb on the end of my drive to install
> > Windows if I have to for whatever reason.
> 	You don't. :--)  VMWare and others exist JUST for these cases. I again have
> 15 other O/S's running within VMWare, all under SID.

I need only one OS on my system, with a little space for perhaps a
second. I know VMWare is great, but it's too expensive for my needs.
Besides the only use I'd have for Windows would be games or
occasionally getting some piece of hardware to work. I don't think
VMWare would be great at doing that.

> 	Oooo! This is too tempting to pass up. :--)
> 	Yes, there are other things to consider. Consider that you're supporting a
> criminal enterprise by the use of windon't. :--)  (see! i told you it was too
> good to pass up!!)

Although my motives to use Linux were initially of a political
nature, I try to resist bashing Windows too much. That is ofcourse
very difficult once you see the technical benefits of some of the
free/open un*x systems. 

> > After using Windows for years I haven't missed it for a moment since
> > using Debian. It just feels a bit scary to get past the point of no
> > return.
> 	It does, but that's why you (and the rest of us) are here. We support each
> each other, as much as we can. And sooner or later, The Gates of Hell will be
> gone and the whole world will rejoice. (lords i'm a schmuck today!)

Yeah, I know. The amount of support you can get from sources like
this mailing list are really great. Debian has just enough momentum
for it too work really well. How will it work out when the millions
fleeing from peril will come to us, I don't know.
> 	On the serious side Bob, it's simple. I've done it hundreds of times.

Damn, took all this time to reply and then see that :)

Seriously, thanks to you and the others who replied to my question. 

I am yet undecided how to go ahead, but these responses help me


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