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Re: Pico

On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 10:54:38AM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
| On 08/07/02 Jamin W. Collins did speaketh:
| > Don't think that was the point.  There's a lot about Vim that pico/nano
| > doesn't need to do.  Some people like to have a very basic editor around. 
| > One that they can jump right in and start using to make minor changes to
| > text/conf files without having to learn a slew of commands.  I've looked
| > at both vi(m) and (x)emacs, both more or less require a complete change in
| > how I think about editing.  Something I'm not willing to do.  So, I look
| > for other editors. 
|     Granted, but...
|                             *-y* *easy*
| -y      Easy mode.  Implied for |evim| and |eview|.  Starts with
|         'insertmode' set and behaves like a click-and-type editor.
|         This sources the script $VIMRUNTIME/evim.vim.  Mappings are
|         set up to work like most click-and-type editors, see
|         |evim-keys|.  The GUI is started when available.
|         {not in Vi}

This also works if you run 'evim' instead of 'vim'.  If you run evim
in a console, it can be tricky to get out (there is "no" command mode,
which makes it hard to type ":quit").  There is some magic keystroke,
however, to break out of easy mode and back to normal vim.

(I use (g)vim for everything, except when in the installer and only ae
is available)

If you want to know what God thinks about money,
just look at the people He gives it to.
    -- Old Irish Saying

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