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another mouse question!!

hi everyone,

argh!  my video card is working now, but I can't get my mouse to show up!!
I have two miche, one ps/2 logitech simple ps/2 scroll mouse, the other usb
logitech optical scroll mouse.  both wo4rk fine in redhat., both are being
run through a kvm onto a machien with no ps/2 port.  I justi nstalled a
brand new woody install.  the mice don't respond at all in x.  I know there
were other mice questions, but I'm too stupid to figure out the answer to
my probem from the responses to the earlier postings.  on redhat, the
Imp/s2 device type setting works, and device is set to /dev/mousee.  I have
tried /dev/psaux, /dev/gpmdata (I don't think I have gpm installed, so of
course that wouldn't work), /dev/mouse... none of them seems to work.  I've
even tried putting several listings in at once.  what should I do?  I'm
about ready to cry -- this install has taken nearly a week falready!!
thanks so much,

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