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Woody install insists on using Potato packages

Hi all,

I've been trying to install Woody (using both the vanilla and bf floppy
series downloaded on Saturday 15 June) for several days now.  If I've
counted correctly, I'm on my 7th attempt. :)

The first several failed due to unresponsive http servers, and the next few
ended in dselect hell where nothing I did would resolve package
dependancies. For example, I couldn't install both ssh and exim, since they
required conflicting versions of LDAP libraries. One other rather trying
feature is that the boot floppy takes 10-15 minutes to load the kernel
(floppy spinning the whole time).

This time I skipped both tasksel and dselect, and things went _much_

The next thing I can't figure out is why dpkg is using "potato" packages and
apt-get is using "stable".  The "available" list in /var/lib/dpkg shows all
packages are from potato, and apt-get's sources list is all stable.

Why don't I get packages from the woody/testing?

My banner claims it's "Debian 3.0" but all of the available packages are
from potato. What to I have to do to switch my system over so that it
actually uses packages from woody?

Grant Edwards

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