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Re: do the 8 woody CD's come with source code?

On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 06:54:29PM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
| Sorry for being extra dumb but do the 8 debian woody CD's come with
| source code?

I think so, if you have 8 of them.  Potato had disks 1-3 with binaries
and 4-6 with source.

| I just grabbed one (#7) and all I saw were .deb files.

I'm not sure how the source is packed on a debian cd ... I never
burned the source cds myself.  I know this, though :
    RPM-based distros pack the source in a "srpm".
    The debian packages site provides 3 files for each source :
        1)  the original upstream tarball
        2)  a patch of changes the DD made for debian
        3)  the DD's signature on the files, so you know they're for real

It is possible that the cds have 1,2,3 packed into a .deb.

Hmm, the cds are laid out like the pools, right?  There should be a
'source' directory next to binary-i386 that you can follow.  If you've
setup apt to read from the cds should be able to just run
'apt-get source <foo>'.
| If source are not on the 8 CD's, how many more CD's would it take?
| It must be on there because don't the rules say the source comes
| along?

The GPL (if that's the rules you're referring to) says the source must
be *available* if the recipient wants it.  It is certainly permissible
for a customer to say "I don't want the source cds, don't give them to


In his heart a man plans his course,
but the Lord determines his steps.
        Proverbs 16:9

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