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Re: Why does Mozilla modify /etc/alternatives/netscape?

Let me say something here...

> Many sites? Interesting. I have only found one site lately that does not work
> with galeon / mozilla, and it uses flash heavily.
> Could you elaborate on what you mean by "do not work?" Examples?

Two banks on which I have accounts, for example... One of them will only
allow IE or Netscape 4.*, and the other just won't work with Gecko (the
browser just dies after a certain applet is used).

Besides the banks, there are some government agencies in my country that
will only support Netscape 4 (*when* they don't require Explorer at all)

> First, contact the webmaster for these sites. They are HORRIBLY broken if they
> don't support mozilla at this stage.

Hm, ever tried to contact a bank about that? I did.

Bank #1 was quite nice, and they said they know about the problem, but
that because of the variety of Java VM implementations, they didn't
manage to solve the problem yet. And they don't know when they will.

Bank #2 just doesn't care.

> It's a w3c compliance thing. I find that
> when these sites are publicized, the Linux community gets active and the sites
> get fixed pretty quick.

I've seen sites fixed quickly, and sites taht just don't answer (even
when quite some people complain).

> Second, try altering the useragent in prefs.js. Try claiming that you are IE or
> old Netscape. 

My Mozilla crashes anyway in the first bank (which is the one I really use)
:-(. I'll try with the second.

> Sometimes I just remove the OS specific info which they don't
> need anyway and things work. If it STILL doesn't work, then indeed the site is
> COMPLETELY broken and the webmaster should definitely be flamed. Well, a little
> education helps too.

I agree it's broken, but the problem is that the webmasters don't agree
(because it works for most users -- who use IE).



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