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Re: Debian:Abandon Ship

I'm a real newcomer to Linux I know virtually nothing about it. A couple of 
years ago I went and got a Mandrake distro and tried to load it on my old 
laptop. I never expected it to be perfect, but there were too many things 
that went wrong..such as the lcd panel would sometimes flash off and on at 
some hideous brightness levels.  I gave it away after replacing the display 
This year I went and brought a Redhat 7.2 disk set and tried it on this 
laptop again..it worked o.k. but I could never get my internal modem going as 
I always got "incorrect kernel header" from trying to install a precompiled 
rpm for the correct kernel, and all sorts of other messages if I tried to 
build my own from source. I surfed the net and found a linux distributer here 
in N.Z.(Phil Charles) and asked him via email which or who's distribution he 
recomended in order that i might get this thing up and running on linux, my 
main criteria was that it have good device support and everything be 
matching( i.e. kernel headers etc) so that someone with zero real experience 
might get his pc up and running on linux to begin exploring. He recomended 
debian, and I bought a set of disks from him.
I installed Woody , and used the tar.gz modem source to build a .DEB package 
and now have this laptop running  almost as well as it did with Windows, the 
only things not functional (as far as I know) are the custom buttons, which I 
never used anyway. 
I find linux as confusing as anything, as there seems to be so much choise as 
to what program you wish to use for agiven job. But it'll come.
So as far as I'm concerned Debian is  great. I hope it keeps going, I must 
admit I sometimes find it hard to comprehend how you guys developing it keep 
on keeping on, I was happy to be able to buy the disks I did as a tiny way of 
supporting the distro. 

A real newbies opinion :-)

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