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Re: OT: debian-beer (was Re: wrapping [was: Re: disable paragraph flows in mozilla?])

begin  Paul 'Baloo' Johnson  quotation:

> Have you had Moosehead?

Don't think so. If you say it's worthwhile, I will try it.

> > In case anyone is curious, my reviews of beers are available at my web
> > site, http://crdic.ath.cx . They are also posted (along with those of
> That's a pretty good site.  I like that a bit more than ratebeer.  My
> guess is an OK beer starts around 50 and a good beer starts around 70 on
> your site, if not just a a wee bit slanted towards the darks?

Thanks. Well, the site is definitely tilted towards my preferences,
which lean towards the dark side of the brewery, but I try not to let a
well-made brew get too low a score even if I don't care for it.
Generally speaking, at 66-71 you're seeing a mixture of mediocre but
tolerable beers (e.g. Portland Haystack Black Porter), good but flawed
(IMHO) beers (e.g. Old Rasputin Imperial Stout), and beers that are
well-made but just not at all to my taste (e.g. Fuller's ESB). Below
that, I think the beers have definite problems, to a greater degree the
lower the score (obviously). Things I enjoy without significant
reservation start at 73. My favorites start at 87. If these numbers seem
like weird boundaries, it's because my site is built by a script that
reads all my reviews from ratebeer.com and reformats them. The 0-100
score is derived by scaling ratebeer's 0.5-5.0 scale, hence the odd


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