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Re: jpeg

> Hi..
> Can anyone please help..My son is currently wandering around India and 
> he has sent me mail with an attachment kaur_jpeg..This jpeg opens at the 
> bottom of the mail showing 4 photos...I want to print one of these but 
> have searched the system for kaur* and *jpeg but the file does not show 
> up...Has anyone any ideas how I can get this file apart from making a 
> screenshot and then trimming it down cos that looks terrible...
> ps I do not have to ask the attachment to open as it already is open..

Well, first things first.  You'll need to separate the images from the email.  
Which email client are you using?  It sounds like you're either using 
evolution, kmail, or exmh (or something similar).  In any case, if you click 
on the attachment name on the email, you should get an option to save the 
attachment to a file (you might have to right-click on the attachment).

Once that is done, it's really going to depend on what format the photos were
sent in.  From what you're describing, it sounds like your son made a collage
of four separate images into one big image.  If that's the case, there's really
no way to do it other than do a crop on the collage.  A screenshot shouldn't be
necessary since you've already saved the image to a file. ;)  I would suggest
either gimp (fairly complicated to learn, but lots of great options) or eog
('Eye of Gnome', less options, but much easier to use) for this task.  

I hope this is useful, since I'm having to do a lot of guesswork to help you 
out.  Information that would be helpful would be which email client you're 
using (which program you use to read email), and getting a look at the image 
would be helpful as well, but DO NOT SEND THE IMAGE TO THE LIST.  It takes up 
too much bandwidth to send a big image file to thousands of recipients.

At any rate, once you have the image saved to a file and have an image 
manipulation program up and running, you should be able to figure it out.  You 
can always come back here if you have more trouble. :)

Good luck.

Stephen W. Juranich                             sjuranic@ee.washington.edu
Electrical Engineering             http://students.washington.edu/sjuranic
University of Washington                http://ssli.ee.washington.edu/ssli

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