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Re: sending mail when connected via different ISPs

On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 05:40:01PM +0100, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
|  My ISP (uklinux) allows me to send mail via their servers when
|  logged connected from a different ISP, as long as I provide
|  authorisation.

Great.  This will be simple.

| I can't figure out how to set things up to do this. I have the following in
| /etc/exim.conf:
| 	# Send all mail to a smarthost
| 	smarthost:
| 	  driver = domainlist
| 	  transport = remote_smtp
| 	  route_list = "* mail.btinternet.com bydns_a"
| 	end

In the transports section you have a transport named 'remote_smtp'.
Add this line to that trasnport.

  authenticate_hosts = mail.btinternet.com

In the authentication section (end of the file) you'll find some
comments with some example authentication drivers.

# plain:
#     driver = plaintext
#     public_name = PLAIN
#     client_send = "^name^password"
# login:
#   driver = plaintext
#   public_name = LOGIN
#   client_send = ": name : password"
# cram_md5:
#   driver = cram_md5
#   public_name = CRAM-MD5
#   client_name = username
#   client_secret = password

Uncomment the appropriate one(s) and specify your username and
password.  Which one works will depend on which authentication methods
the server supports.  Hopefully it supports cram_md5 because that is
the most secure (of these three at least).

(if 'mail.btinternet.com' isn't the server you want to deliver the
mail through then just change it to the one you want)



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        Proverbs 13:13
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