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Re: Mailing List and Newsgruops

On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 03:36:46PM -0500, Grant Edwards wrote:
| On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 09:17:24PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
| > (I think it would be a good idea for debian-user shadow newsgroups to be
| > moderated anyway, if nothing else so that they can point to a mailbot
| > that tells people they should be mailing articles to the mailing list.
| > However, I'm not even sure if the person who would handle that reads
| > this list.)
| Why not just mail the article to the mailing list?

Here's the scenario : 
    1   you make a new message and post it to the newsgroup
    2   the news->mail gateway sees a new posting and mails it to the list
    3   the list gets a new message, delivers it to all subscribers,
        one of the subscribers is the mail->news gateway, which posts
            the "new" message on the newsgroup
    4   your news->mail bot sees a new message and sends it to the list
    5   repeat steps 2-4 ad inifitum until the servers crash with the load

If the handling is done just right then each side of the gateway can
determine when a loops begins and stop it right away.  If it isn't
just right then the bots see lots of "new" messages, which are really
just copies of an already posted message, and a loop exists.



If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not
in us.
        I John 1:8
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