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Re: random signatures in mutt

On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 07:11:33AM +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
> How does one set random signatures in mutt after compilation? I
> looked up on Google and everything I found seems to indicate that it
> only be done by editing config.h during compilation.
> Is there some hack for this? I'm running version 1.3.28i on Woody.

There may be other ways but I have my own shell script to generate
signatures and then have this line in my .muttrc:

set signature="~/bin/mksig 1|"

(The argument tells mksig to send to stdout instead of overwriting

"If a thousand men were not to pay their tax bills, that would not be so
 violent and bloody a measure as it would be to pay them and enable the
 state to commit violence and shed innocent blood." - Henry David Thoreau
    Rick Pasotto    rickp@telocity.com    http://www.niof.net

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