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RE: kernel 2.4.17 and above for debian LINUX



>>What kernel would 2.2r6 release of debian contain, would it
>>have 2.4.17 kernel or above.
>>will it 2.2.?? kernel only.
>>Could someone please inform about it ?

I think it's the 2.2 branch ...


>>I have 2.2r5 release CD, which has 2.2.19 kernel, can
>>I upgrade it 2.4.17 kernel.
>>Can someone please tell the site and the procedure for
>>kernel upgrades.

>>Any help on this would be helpful!!

First of all, why do you want to upgrade your kernel ? 

Next, these are the steps to upgrade your kernel :

- apt-get install kernel-package
- Download the kernel source under the format linux-2.4.x.tar.gz
  or linux-2.4.x.tar.bz2 on the web site www.kernel.org by example
- put this file in /usr/src
- mv your linux directory in linuxold
- tar zxvf for the .tar.gz file and tar xvjf for the .tar.bz2 file
  then you have a new linux directory
- cd linux
- make xconfig
- choose the options for your kernel 
- when done make-kpkg clean
- make-kpkg --revision=kernel_name-2.4.18 kernel_image
- when done you'll have a nice deb package under /usr/src
- finally install it with dpkg -i linux*.deb
- reboot

>>What would be CD image one needs to download to get 2.4.17 
>>kernel for www.debian.org site ?

You have to grab an unoffical iso image of woody but i dunno 
what kernel exactly is it ...

>>Thanks amd Regards
I hope it will help you


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