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Re: lease line

On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 03:06:03PM -0500, Shyamal Prasad wrote:
|     "Oi" == Oi Yan <oiyanca@yahoo.ca> writes:
|     Oi> Hi list
|     Oi> Anyone can explain to me the different between T3 and DS3?
| If I remember right a T3 refers to the carrier type while DS3 refers
| to physical layer format. A T3 carries DS3 signaling, which is 28 (?)
| T1s or some such. I could be wrong though.

Something like that. 

DS0     -   the digital band for 1 POTS line line 
            (8bits wide, 8KHz, 1 bit is used for control every 6th
            frame, hence the 56Kbps theoretical modem limit)

DS1     -   23 (or 24, I'm not sure and my notes are at home) DS0s

T1      -   how to carry DS1 over electrical wire

DS3     -   several DS1s

T3      -   how to carry DS3 over electrical wire

OC3     -   Optical link, has the capacity of a _lot_ of DS3s!
            (wouldn't it be nice to have that at home?)

I studied this stuff last quarter :-).  I think networking is really
neat.  I didn't memorize (other than DS0/DS1) what the sizes of the
links are and my notes are at home while I'm on co-op.

|     Oi> and suggest the website to me about lease line
| Have you tried searching with google or another search engine? You
| will find many links. This is WAY off topic for debian-user. It's also
| pretty obvious you have not looked for the answer!

Ditto.  Debian is not an ISP and has no lines to lease to you.
Leasing a line is also very expensive (unless you are a large
organization that can afford it and needs that kind of bandwidth).



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but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.
        Proverbs 13:11
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