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Re: Spamassassin tests help please

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 11:36:10AM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:

| > | 3. How can I blacklist specific names?  For example, esavingszone send
| > | me two messages every day and I want them automatically blocked.  But
| > | they use differing domain nemaes so I want to block
| > | esavingszone@foo.net. esavingszone@bar.net and every other
| > | esavingszone@anything.anything
| how about a way instead of blacklisting, bounce it with a user unknown?

If you use the 'fail' command in the exim system filter you'll bounce
it (with whatever error message you specify).

Alternatively, you can create a blacklist and have exim check it and
bounce accordingly.

| Bounce all the spam and you'll hopefully be taken off the mailing list.

Might work.  If the message arrives through another list (eg d-u) it
doesn't work quite as nicely.  (I now bounce ms-tnef and virus alerts

| I was looking for a way to fail a message in mutt but didn't find one.

The MTA is the one who can fail message deliveries.  It has already
been delivered by the time mutt has it.



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and your plans will succeed.
        Proverbs 16:3
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