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Im having dependacy problems, I want to install a package whicj requires
Python2.1, but when I install Python2.1 a whole bunch of packages require
python-base which Python2.1 required me to remove due to conflict.

Shouldnt python2.1 provide python-base?

After forcing dpkg to install python2.1 and ignoring package dependaces,
my system seems fine and nothing 'bad' has happened (yet) but I can no
longer install anything without being told there are dependacy issues.

Is it possible to overide the apt package lists with my own, so I can say
Python2.1 provices python-base?

                8(o o)8
 .-`~`-. | James Hook
 H O O K | Hook@bbanter.darktech.org
 ~-._.-~ | http://hooksoft.8m.com
... Non Usefull Fact #37: Doc, Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and Bashful.

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