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Re: Python

On Tue, 2002-04-23 at 12:50, James Hook wrote:
> G'Day,
> Im having dependacy problems, I want to install a package whicj requires
> Python2.1, but when I install Python2.1 a whole bunch of packages require
> python-base which Python2.1 required me to remove due to conflict.
> Shouldnt python2.1 provide python-base?
> After forcing dpkg to install python2.1 and ignoring package dependaces,
> my system seems fine and nothing 'bad' has happened (yet) but I can no
> longer install anything without being told there are dependacy issues.
> Is it possible to overide the apt package lists with my own, so I can say
> Python2.1 provices python-base?

If you're using Woody or Sid, you shouldn't have this problem.

Are you using Potato? If so, you'll need to backport Python 2.1. Too bad
you'll also need to update other packages by backporting the necessary
packages and install themed too... I've done this on my Potato box
(backported and installed Python 2.1 and 2.2 and Zope 2.5.0). Should you
choose to backport, don't overwrite the Potato version of Python (1.5)
with the default package that provide python-base which would come after
backporting Python 2.1. There's the non-default version, which you could
install side-by-side with Python 1.5 and 2.2.


Paolo Alexis Falcone

Tel# 6429577
Fax# 6429561
Mobile# 09174379283
Philippine Free Network Group

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