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Re: Finding unused packages

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 17:15:40 +0100, Peter Whysall wrote:

>On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 16:46, Gary Turner wrote:
>> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 09:59:34 -0400, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
>> >On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 03:00:34PM +0200, Matijs van Zuijlen wrote:

>> This non-hacker is
>> thinking that a script that steps through the various /bin directories,
>> checking and sorting the last access for each file would be what Marijs
>> is looking for. For example,
>> 	find -atime +30 -maxdepth 1
>> yields any file in the current directory that hasn't been accessed in
>> the last 30 days.  I would think the next step would be to see which
>> package those long unused binaries belong to.  This I leave as an
>> exercise for the class :^)

>Right, I think I'm *nearly* there...
>Here we go:
>find / -type f -atime +30 | xargs dpkg -S | sort | uniq > old.txt

Try using this only in /bin, /usr/bin, and /usr/local/bin directories,
and set depth to only the one level.  Any app is going to have a binary,
no?  Also, you might try 60 or 90 or even more days old.  I tested in
/usr/bin, and found whoami had not been accessed in last 30 days.  I ran
whoami, then reran the 'find...' command again and whoami was no longer
on the list.
>There's an obvious problem - it hits up every file, regardless. I
>certainly haven't accessed a lot of the non-English localisation files
>on my system in like forever, and old.txt is a resultant 700K in size.
>What we need to do is tell "find" to only find files that have
>executable bits set, with the -perm switch - however, the following:

If you run only in a bin/ directory, the 'x' bits are set, no need to
screen for non-executables.
>find / -type f -atime +30 perm ugo+x | xargs dpkg -S | sort | uniq >
>doesn't return anything. Can someone point out the staggering (yet quite
>invisible to me) stupidity I'm undoubtedly committing?

I couldn't get xargs dpkg -S to return anything, either.  Look at the
output of 'find', it includes the directory.  I would guess that the
filename needs to be extracted before it's given to xargs, to pass to

It is interesting to note that as one evil empire (generic) fell,
another Evil Empire (tm)  began its nefarious rise. -- me
Coincidence?  I think not.

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