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Re: conio.h

Zain Halai(zain@cs.svsu.edu) is reported to have said:
> Hey,
> I'd like to use functions like clrscr() or cprintf on debian 2.1, but the
> header file conio.h does not exist under unix/linux systems (am I wrong?)
> as is in Borland C++ Compiler. Is there an equivalent library or any other
> way I could use the functions that are in conio.h?
> Thank you in advance.

Conio.h is a Borland thingy.  I have found 2 files to use for converting Dos
pgms to Linux.  UConio-1.0.8-PR.tar.gz <http://www.pablovidal.org> and
linux-conio.tgz  <http://www.obh.snafu.de/~marte/friends.html> not sure of this
URL tho.  I picked these up in 2000 so hope you can google them.

Here is the intro to Uconio

            Do you remember the CONIO.H header from Borland? yeah, in
UNIX we have CURSES.H what is better? obviously CURSES!.
No matters, i start wrote this library in a boreing moment.
I Wanna to port and add some functions to the original CONIO.H library,
all this porting was an idea of GiBa, but i wanna to do the library.
Anyways, i hope you like it, the lib isnt completed yet.

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